SEASON TWO PREVIEW. Pigs Can Fly: Cancel Culture, Conspiracies, and Staying Hopeful in an Age of Identity Politics (coming 2/12/21)

In this episode...

Coming soon on Season Two of The Soul of Life on February 12th, I speak with Dr. Matthew Green, a professor of political science, about cancel culture, conspiracies, and how to stay hopeful and connected to one another in an age of identity politics.

“There are things in American politics now that are not pretty. But there are things that have happened that have been worse, in our history.”

Dr. Green is an expert on the American Congress and I ask him if it’s possible to ever imagine our leaders practicing the discipline of relationship building and compromise in the political process.

“Compromise is central to how our country was created, it’s how we’ve lasted as long as we have. And you can’t really succeed in politics—particularly in Congress—if you don’t compromise.”


matt green headshot
Matthew Green is an ordinary professor of politics and an associate fellow at the Institute for Policy Research and Catholic Studies. He has taught at Catholic University since 2005.

Politics in the Age of Trump

Professor Green teaches a variety of courses in American politics, focusing in particular on political institutions, state and local politics, federalism, and methodology.  He is currently teaching a new course on current political events called Politics in the Age of Trump.  He also helped develop and has co-taught the class Washington Past and Present, an interdisciplinary introduction to the city of Washington, D.C. that is unique to Catholic University.


A new season of The Soul of Life starts February 5th

Here's a sneak peek of Season Two:

  • NASA scientist and Nobel laureate John Mather
  • The “Mother of mindfulness,” famed psychology researcher, Ellen Langer
  • Jessica Hansen, actress, voice of NPR’s funding credits, and in-house voice coach at NPR
  • Tammy Nelson, author of Getting the Sex You Want

Leading up to the February 5th launch of Season Two I’ll be releasing bonus episodes like this one, teaching key themes about mindfulness, stress reduction, and 101 for a healthy mind.

An image taken from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope. On February 5th, I'll launch Season Two talking with John Mather, the esteemed Nobel laureate and director of the Hubble's replacement, the James Webb Space Telescope.

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